Discovering new oil reservoirs, prior to drilling, using our proprietary multi-step, data-driven reconnaissance and exploration methods.

About Us

We work exclusively in the Illinois Basin.  Why?  Because, this is where the bulk of our experience is.  We work with what we know.  We have discovered oil in the Illinois Basin using the old, tried and true, high risk methods, but we have now developed a new proprietary exploration method that enables us to find and confirm that we have discovered new oil reservoirs before drilling, with high probability.  This reduces dry hole costs to a minimum.

MAGE NRG LLC was established to pursue development of many newly-documented prospects that were the result of a large-scale exploration program.  


Our vision is to discover significant new oil fields in areas of proven production by employing multiple unique technologies.


We developed and perfected our proprietary, data-driven methods of exploration over a 25- year period.


Our mission is to acquire, drill, develop and produce the many new oil reservoirs that we have discovered.


“I developed our proprietary exploration methods because I knew there was a better, more efficient and more accurate way to find oil.  The old methods such as subsurface mapping and seismic reflection are successful, but they come at a great cost in the number of dry holes drilled and failed prospects.  I believe that our methods remove most of the risk inherent in drilling prospects by documenting that oil reservoirs are present prior to drilling.”

Mr. Sullivan cut his industry teeth, initially, in the Rocky Mountains and Texas and, later, working as a geologist with Illinois Basin Companies including Farrar Oil in Mt. Vernon, IL and Richard W. Beeson, Oil Producer in Evansville, IN.  As the principal owner of Aniki Oil, LLC, he completed a large scale exploration program in the Illinois Basin.

Patrick Sullivan

President & Geologist


Proprietary Exploration Methods

We employ a systematic series of exploration methods based on finding virgin oil reservoirs.  Each method, alone, results in between a 75% and an 85% success rate in predicting the presence of oil reservoirs prior to drilling.

Reduced Risk Prospects

The greatest risk in any oil prospect is whether or not there is economically producible oil at any given location.  We have de-risked our prospects, to a great extent, by determining that oil is present at each of our prospect locations, with multiple data streams in agreement, prior to drilling.  

Development Company

MAGE NRG LLC is an exploration and production company that was established to acquire, drill, develop and produce many new oil field prospects that we discovered in the Illinois Basin.

Crude Oil Purchasers


Countrymark  has a network of oil dump stations around most of the basin and a refinery located in New Harmony, Indiana.  Click below for their current crude oil price.



Bi-Petro is located in Springfield, Illinois and has a network of oil dump stations around the north part of the basin in Illinois.  Click below for their current crude oil price.



At MAGE NRG, we aren’t buying oil wells or existing production where most of the profit has already been realized and where the producer is going to earn fees on operations.  We aren’t working over existing wells to squeeze out just a little more oil from produced zones or from a small zone behind pipe that may have been forgotten or overlooked.  And we aren’t drilling step-outs, where wells are located near existing oil fields, trying to find a small bypassed area of reservoir.  We are targeting new, previously undiscovered  oil reservoirs that have never been produced, with the goal of establishing major production from significant new oil field discoveries.  This is usually a very risky proposition, but we have developed a method to minimize that pre-drilling risk.



Eugene, OR & Springfield, IL




Please contact us:



We are available during and after business hours at least 6 days a week.
